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More About CALPADS

  • What is CALPADS?

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    The California Longitudinal Pupil Achievement Data System (CALPADS) is used to maintain individual-level data including student demographics, course data, discipline, assessments, staff assignments, and other data for state and federal reporting.

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  • How are the data reported to CALPADS used?

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    The data submitted to CALPADS is used for statistical, compliance, and funding purposes. Student enrollment data as of “count day” (the first Wednesday in October) provide the official number of students overall, and in each relevant subgroup (gender, ethnicity, race, educational program).  This information is also used to calculate graduation and dropout rates, and the number of English learners and reclassifications.  It is also used to determine funding for programs such as: migrant, gifted and talented, English learner, economically disadvantaged, foster, and homeless students, and the Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF) allocations. CALPADS provides student enrollment, demographic, and educational program data for the computer-based Smarter Balanced testing program, and for various testing programs (CAHSEE, CST, CELDT, CAASPP, ECPAC, Physical Fitness and Others). In addition, CALPADS data is used for school and district accountability. Data is validated by CDE and used to measure progress and reported to the public via the Dashboard.

    Therefore, it is vital for schools to continuously maintain accurate student data in MiSiS at all times during the school year. To assist schools, we publish reference guides, and a fall census for elementary and secondary schools. In addition, we leverage certification.

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